Natural fertilizer for urban gardens 4-3-7
Natural fertilizer for urban gardens 4-3-7
Fafard SKU:437FA325
- Approved for organic gardening
- Grows strong plants and tasty vegetables
- Favours an abundant harvest
- Easy to use
Nourish your vegetables and herbs for an abundant and flavorful harvest!
Fafard Urban Vegetable Garden 4-3-7 Natural Fertilizer is a 100% natural granular fertilizer specially formulated to boost the growth of vegetables and herbs grown in outdoor containers. Made with chicken manure, sphagnum peat moss, potassium sulfate, and seaweed meal, this fertilizer gradually releases its nutrients, feeding your plants for several weeks.
- Approved for organic gardening
- Promotes healthy and vigorous plant growth
- Increases flower and fruit production
- Improves soil quality
- Encourages beneficial microorganism growth
- Ideal for vegetables and herbs grown in containers such as pots, planters, and raised garden beds
- Suitable for a variety of vegetables, including tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, spinach, carrots, cucumbers, and herbs
Instructions for use:
- Before planting, thoroughly loosen the soil and incorporate Fafard Urban Vegetable Garden 4-3-7 Natural Fertilizer according to the recommended application rate.
- Water thoroughly to activate the fertilizer.
- During the growing season, apply the fertilizer every 4 to 6 weeks according to the needs of your plants.
- Water regularly to keep the soil moist but not soggy.
- For best results, follow the recommended planting instructions for your vegetables and herbs.
- Water your plants deeply and less frequently to encourage deep root growth.
- Monitor your plants closely for signs of nutrient deficiencies or diseases.
Coverage area
Coverage area
- 63 ml (¼ cup) / 1 m² (11 ft²)
- 8 ml (½ tbsp) / plant
- 85 ml (1/3 cup) / 1 m² (11 ft²)
- 23 ml (1½ tbsp) / plant
- 125 ml (½ cup) / 1 m² (11 ft²)
- 35 ml (1/8 cup) / plant
Hen manure, sphagnum peat moss, potassium sulfate,
seaweed flour
Total nitrogen (N) - 4%
Available phosphoric acid (P2O5) - 3%
Soluble potash (K2O) - 7%
Calcium (Ca) - 6%
Magnesium (Mg) - 0.5%
Sulfur (S) - 2%
Minimum Organic Matter - 60%
Maximum moisture - 10%

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