The Botanix expert blog
Posts tagged with "Entretien et calendrier horticole"

Amaryllis, Poinsettia, Christmas Cactus: Force ...
Learn moreDiscover how to force your favourite plants to bloom for a magical and flowery Christmas! Christmas cactus, amaryllis bulbs, poinsettia... Learn how to make them bloom in time for the...

Preparing Your Conifers for Winter: A Fall Care...
Learn moreLearn how to prepare your conifers for winter with this complete fall maintenance guide. Practical tips to help them get through the cold season in style and thrive in the...

Bringing in Annual Bulbs in the Fall
Learn moreAnnual bulbs, also known as tender bulbs, do not withstand the harsh winter weather. It is therefore essential to dig them up and store them indoors during the cold season....

Why Mulch Your Plants in the Fall
Learn moreTo keep your plants healthy throughout the winter season, you need to protect them, which is why it is important to add mulch to your plants. Mulch helps keep the...

Dividing Perennials: When and How?
Learn moreAfter a few years of cultivation, dividing plants can be beneficial for many perennials. It allows you to rejuvenate the plant, stimulate its growth and flowering, and multiply your favourite...

Watering outdoor plants the right way
Learn moreWatering plants outdoors may seem simple but to ensure the health and vitality of your plants, a few tips are essential, especially for potted plants that depend entirely on your...

Stakes, cages, and trellises: A little support ...
Learn moreLes tuteurs, les cages et les treillis sont essentiels à la réussite d'un jardin. Les vignes, les tomates, les haricots grimpants, les pivoines et bien d’autres plantes ont besoin d’une...

Preparing Your Garden for Winter: Essential Fal...
Learn moreWith its flamboyant colors, the last harvest of the garden, autumn gives us the feeling of having done a good job, and we already look forward to the next projects...

Plants that benefit from supports
Learn moreLes plantes grimpantes ou rampantes ont besoin d’une structure à laquelle s’accrocher. Les très grandes plantes, comme bien des vivaces à fleurs, ont besoin de tuteurs ou d’une cage pour éviter de...

When to install and remove winter protection in...
Learn moreIn the fall, it is necessary to protect conifers, shrubs and perennials so that they resist the snow and winds of the coming winter. Find out when to install winter...

Winter protection
Learn moreLorsque le jardin s’endort à l’automne, il ne reste plus au jardinier qu’à veiller sur son sommeil tout en planifiant la prochaine saison. Au cours de l’hiver, le jardin est...

Home Composting – Put your compost to good use
Learn moreSource pertinente de fertilisants, le produit obtenu est un excellent amendement pour les platebandes et le potager. Il ouvre les sols lourds, donne du corps aux sols légers et, en...

Home Composting – Compost materials
Learn moreLe compostage domestique s’avère une solution simple de récupérer un déchet et de le transformer en matière organique bénéfique à notre environnement. Sachant qu’une famille moyenne génère environ 225 kilogrammes -...

Home Composting – Choose the right composter
Learn moreVous êtes finalement décidés à composter. Il faut maintenant déterminer la technique de compostage appropriée et choisir le modèle de composteur, bac au sol ou composteur rotatif.

Bringing Outdoor Plants Indoors for the Fall
Learn moreThe arrival of autumn, with its cool nights, announces the time to bring some plants inside to protect them from frost. However, don't rush. Let's enjoy the last beautiful sunny...

Planting and transplanting
Learn morePour vous aider à planter et transplanter arbres et arbustes, voici un petit guide de référence qui vous facilitera la tâche et rendra ces moments de loisir encore plus agréables....

Pest-repelling plants to enjoy your patio
Learn moreWhen the warm weather arrives, the desire to enjoy our evenings outdoors is strong. To fully appreciate your patio and outdoor yard, plant wisely in your landscaping. This is a...

How to get rid of the Japanese beetle
Learn moreAt the end of June, the sun is shining and you can finally enjoy the beautiful weather in your magnificent garden filled with flowers in a thousand colors... but oh...

How to protect your trees, shrubs and perennial...
Learn morePrepare your garden for winter with our comprehensive guide! Learn how to protect your conifers, trees, shrubs, and perennials from harsh weather. Practical tips, tricks, and a handy table to...