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Watering outdoor plants the right way

Watering plants outdoors may seem simple but to ensure the health and vitality of your plants, a few tips are essential, especially for potted plants that depend entirely on your care.

No matter what type of plant, also make sure the pots have good drainage to prevent root rot!

Adapt watering according to the plant


Before watering, knowing the specific needs of each perennial plant is essential for optimal watering.

  1. Annual Plants: Annuals tend to have higher water needs due to their rapid growth and short life cycle. To maintain their spectacular blooms, water regularly but avoid waterlogging. Slightly moist soil is ideal for these plants.
  2. Herbs: Herbs such as basil, thyme, or chives prefer slightly dry soil between waterings. Water them as soon as the soil surface begins to dry, but avoid flooding them.
  3. Perennial Plants: Perennials can have varying water needs depending on their species.
    • Some, like lavender or sedums, prefer dry, well-drained soil.
    • Others, like daylilies or astilbes, need constantly moist soil.
  4. Vegetables and Berries: Potted vegetables and berries often have high water needs, especially during periods of active growth and fruit production. Water them regularly to keep the soil consistently moist, but avoid overwatering, which could lead to root or fruit rot.

    How do I know if my plant needs water?

    Don't rely solely on the soil surface, which may appear dry while the substrate below is still moist. Here are a few tips to determine if your plants are thirsty:

    • The finger test: Stick your finger into the potting soil up to the second knuckle.
      • If the surface is dry, but moisture is present a few centimeters deep, no need to water.
      • If the potting soil is dry deep down, it's time to act.
    • Observe the leaves:
      • Wilted or drooping leaves: Sign of lack of water.
      • Yellowing or browning leaves: May indicate excess water.
      • Shrunken or cracked potting soil: The plant is thirsty!
    • Lift the pot: A light pot usually means the potting soil is dry.

    When to water?

    The best time to water your potted plants is early in the morning or late in the day when the sun is less intense. This allows the water to penetrate the soil deeply before evaporating, maximizing root hydration.

    How to properly water your plants: slow and deep

    When watering your plants, make sure to do it evenly.

    • Water slowly and deeply, allowing the water to penetrate the soil. The water must reach the roots.
    • Avoid wetting the foliage, as this can promote disease development.
    • Use a watering can with a fine rose to avoid disturbing the soil and roots.
    • Avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot.
    • If you use a saucer, empty it after watering to prevent the roots from sitting in water.

    Temperature and sunshine: key factors

    Temperature and sunshine play a crucial role in the water needs of your potted plants.

    • Hot and sunny weather: Plants tend to dry out faster. Water more often and in larger quantities.
    • Cool or cloudy weather: Water needs may be less. Space out watering.
    • Full sun: Potted plants exposed to the sun dry out faster. The hotter and sunnier it is, the more water your plants will need. Monitor your plants carefully during heat waves.