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Why Mulch Your Plants in the Fall

As the crisp air of autumn arrives and temperatures start to drop, it's time to get your garden ready for winter. To keep your plants healthy throughout the cold season, it's important to protect them, which is why adding mulch is so crucial.

Why Mulch Your Plants in the Fall

Mulch acts as a protective blanket for the soil and your plants' roots. The fluctuating temperatures of fall and early spring can stress your plants. A good layer of mulch helps maintain a more consistent soil temperature, retains moisture in preparation for winter, and protects fragile or newly planted plants.

Which Type of Mulch to Choose

Each type of mulch has its own characteristics. Some decompose quickly, enriching the soil, while others offer more long-lasting protection. Here are a few good options:

  • Cedar Mulch: This popular choice is made from natural or dyed cedar. It can be used anywhere in your landscaping, especially around the base of trees, shrubs, and hedges.
  • Ramial Chipped Wood (RCW): This mulch made from chipped branches decomposes slowly, improving soil structure and providing nutrient-rich humus.
  • Organic Mulches:
    • Shredded leaves and hedge trimmings are abundant in the fall and make excellent mulch. Apply a generous 15 cm layer around fruit trees, berry bushes, and perennials.
    • Grass clippings are economical and readily available but decompose quickly. Apply a 5 cm layer and replenish as needed.
    • Straw is ideal for the vegetable garden, as it retains moisture well. Apply a 7 to 10 cm layer.

When and How to Apply Mulch

The ideal time to mulch is when the first frosts appear.

How to Apply Mulch

  1. Clean the area by removing dead leaves, debris, and weeds. In the vegetable garden, remove all dead plants and compost them.
  2. Loosen the soil slightly.
  3. Moisten the soil so the plants can store water before winter.
  4. If necessary, add a balanced fertilizer or compost to nourish the soil.
  5. Apply a thick layer of mulch, leaving 5 cm around the base of the plants to prevent rot.
  6. Recommended Thickness:
    • Perennials: 5 to 10 cm
    • Trees and shrubs: 7 to 10 cm

Which Plants Benefit from Mulching?

All plants grown at the limit of their hardiness zone will benefit from mulch.

  • Perennials: Hostas, peonies, asters, and irises benefit from mulch to protect their roots in winter.
  • Shrubs: Evergreen shrubs, rhododendrons, hydrangeas, and roses also appreciate mulch to prevent winter freeze and keep the soil moist.
  • Berries: Strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries can be mulched to prevent temperature fluctuations.
  • Trees: Young trees, fruit trees, and newly planted trees benefit from a layer of mulch around their base to help them establish strong roots.
By mulching your plants in the fall, you're providing them with essential protection against the harshness of winter. Mulch helps maintain a more stable soil temperature, retain moisture, and protect roots from freezing. Take the time to mulch your plants this fall and enjoy a lush and healthy garden next spring!