Weed seed inhibitor & lawn fertilizer with 90% corn gluten meal 8-0-4
Weed seed inhibitor & lawn fertilizer with 90% corn gluten meal 8-0-4
Nutrite SKU:8-0-4-G20
- Thick, weed-free lawn
- Healthy, vigorous turf growth
- Less maintenance
- Natural and ecological product
Get a thick, weed-free lawn with the all-in-one Weed Seed Inhibitor and Lawn Fertilizer with 90% Corn Gluten Meal 8-0-4 NUTRITE!
- Prevents weed seeds, including crabgrass, dandelion, and white clover seeds, from germinating in residential lawns.
- Nourishes your lawn with slow-release nitrogen for extended fertilization.
- Is 100% natural and safe for pets and children.
- Organic-based, phosphate-free.
- Uniform for even nutrient distribution.
- Gluten is a protein found on the outside of the corn kernel that remains after the starch has been removed.
- All potassium is in the form of sulfate, which is safer.
Contains 90% corn gluten meal, a natural ingredient that blocks weed seed germination.
Nitrogen 8-0-4 nourishes your lawn and makes it thicker and greener.
How to use:
- Apply in spring and fall for best results.
- For best results, apply the product to moist soil.
- Do not apply the product in direct sunlight.
- Water your lawn regularly after application.
This product may not be effective against all types of weeds.
It is important to read and follow the instructions on the label carefully before using the product.
Coverage area
Coverage area
2,034 sq. ft. @ 21.6 lb/M
Soluble potash (K2 0), Sulfur (S), Corn gluten flour, Organic matter, Derived from: Corn gluten flour, Potash sulfate.

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