Herbionik Wildflower seeds Urban mix
Herbionik Wildflower seeds Urban mix
Gloco SKU:4001415
- Promotes biodiversity
- Help pollinators
- Add some color
- No need for mowing
- Requires little maintenance
Transform your garden by adding a sunny touch to your terraces, flower beds and flower fields.
Each mixture of floral seeds will prove to be a true awakening for the senses, punctuating your natural space with delicate scents and invigorating colors.
This mixture of 18 annual and perennial flowers will quickly produce a range of colors throughout the season. An exceptional visual effect, ideal for flower lovers.
- Source of savings: Save time thanks to direct and practical sowing.
- Contribution to sustainable management and promote biodiversity: Promotes animal (insects & butterflies) and plant diversity.
- Promotes the return of nature to the city: Natural, free and wild appearance.
Contains: 125 g of wildflowers and 375 g of substrate.
- The surface must have been cleared of all debris, rocks and piles of earth.
- Dig to a depth of 10 cm (4 inches) then level the ground.
- Shake the bag to thoroughly mix the seeds and the substrate.
- Broadcast the mixture, cover with a thin layer of soil of approximately 6 mm (1/4 inch)
- Water regularly so that the seedbed is moist and not saturated with water, until the seedlings are established, then occasionally in summer.
Coverage area
Coverage area
Coverage new sowing: 500 g covers 25 m² / 265 ft²
3.31% Aurinia of the rocks - golden basket
1.66% Alpine rock Cress
1.65% Alpine Daisy
1.65% Marsh chrysanthemum
6.62% Chinese carnation
1.65% Delta eyelet
6.62% Bushy poppy
1.65% Yellow ray asthenia
0.83% Alysse (or alysson) maritime
3.31% Phacelia bellflower
33.09% Spotted Nemophila
14.80% Nemophilia
3.30% Mahon wallflower
3.31% Sanvitalia procumbens
1.65% Montpellier Soapwort
6.62% Weeping Silenus
6.62% Thought horn

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