Scotts Grub B Gon® MAX grub and bettle killer
Scotts Grub B Gon® MAX grub and bettle killer
Scotts SKU:4731010
- Several periods of application: Spring (April - end of May), Summer (end of June-beginning of August), Autumn (end of August - beginning of September)
- Easy to use
- Suits for every kind of grass
- Natural active ingredient
- Effectively controls a wide range of grubs, including Japanese beetle, June beetle, and European chafer grubs.
Grub-B-Gon Max is an effective solution for controlling grubs and preventing lawn damage.
The active ingredient is a live organism that effectively suppresses a multitude of beetle larvae including those of Japanese beetles and chafers.
It is easily applied using a spreader and must be watered after application.
Active ingredient: Bacillus thuringiensis subs.galleriae strain SDS-502
Powerful Bt active allows for multiple applications during the season:
- SPRING (April – late May): Apply after ground has thawed to control over-wintering grubs that are now migrating to the surface to feed on the roots.
- SUMMER (late June – early August): Apply to control newly hatched grub larvae. Should be applied within 2-3 weeks of peak timing for adult beetles.
- FALL (late August – September): Apply to help control new grubs that have hatched from new beetle eggs throughout the summer. This will help to protect the turf from over-wintering grubs and lessen the impact and quantity of grubs the following spring.
Coverage area
Coverage area
"1.4kg covers 125 m² (1340 ft²)
3.08kg covers 275 m² (2960 ft²)"

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