Selection of tomato plants
Selection of tomato plants
Dive into the delicious world of our tomato plants, carefully selected to delight your taste buds and beautify your vegetable garden.
Cherry Tomatoes: Small sweet and tangy treats, ideal for salads, snacks, or appetizers. Their vibrant colors will brighten your garden and your plate.
Red Tomatoes: Classic must-haves, juicy and fleshy, perfect for sauces, coulis, and stews. Their rich and balanced flavor will seduce you for sure.
Pink Tomatoes: Tender and delicate, they are distinguished by their melting flesh and slightly sweet taste. They will enhance your salads and sandwiches.
Italian Tomatoes: Long and fleshy, they are ideal for sauces and preserves. Their intense and fruity flavor will bring a touch of authenticity to your recipes.
Growing Tips:
- Exposure: Plant your tomatoes in full sun, in rich, well-drained soil.
- Watering: Water regularly, especially during growth and fruiting periods.
- Staking: Support your plants with stakes or cages to prevent them from collapsing under the weight of the fruit.
Selection may vary from one garden center to another.
Plant details
Flowering colours:
Plant needs
Plant needs
Soil requirement:

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