4 Step Lawn Fertilizer Program
4 Step Lawn Fertilizer Program
Botanix SKU:20195010
- A healthy lawn is more resistant to disease and insects.
- Easy to use
- Complete program meeting all the needs of your lawn throughout the season.
- Makes the lawn denser
- Program including 4 bags of fertilizer
Having proven themselves, these synthetic fertilizers have been developed by specialists according to the needs of lawn grasses. They are concentrated in mineral elements that are quickly assimilated by the plant. Much of the nitrogen they contain is released gradually so that it is available between applications.
1st step: April-May (21-2-4)
Rich in nitrogen, this step promotes the rapid development of the lawn. 40% of the nitrogen is slow released for almost six weeks.
2nd step: May-June (16-0-4)
Constant fertilization ensures stable growth and greening. Iron and magnesium promote dense lawn and uniform coloring.
3rd step: July-August (10-0-4)
Its balanced formulation allows the turf to withstand the more difficult conditions of mid-summer and to begin storage.
4th step: September (8-2-15)
The most important stage in preparation for winter. It promotes root development and the necessary storage in spring.
Wait between 4 to 6 weeks between each step.
- Use a spreader for uniform distribution and to make 2 passes. The first perpendicular to the second, taking care to spread only half of the required quantity in each pass.
- To speed up the release of nutrients, water your lawn after your fertilizer is applied.
In the event of an accidental spill on the lawn, scrape the fertilizer to spread it on the ground.
It is very important to respect the doses prescribed on the packaging. An excess can burn the roots and lower the level of organic matter in the soil. Mineral salts that are not absorbed by the lawn can be leached by rain or irrigation water and carried into watercourses and groundwater.
Coverage area
Coverage area
Apply the fertilizer to the soil at a rate of 3.3kg/100m².
10kg covers up to 300m² (3200ft²)
20kg covers up to 600m² (6400ft²)

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