Dianthus série 'Everlast'
EVERLAST™ Pink Dianthus
EVERLAST™ Pink Dianthus
- Sun
Bloom time
- Juin
- Juillet
- Août
- Septembre
- Hardy and easy to grow plant
- Drought tolerant once established
- Attracts butterflies and bees
- Fragrant flowers
- Long flowering period
The Dianthus Everlast Series, also known as pinks, offers a selection of vibrant and long-lasting flowers that will enhance your garden throughout the summer. These hardy flowers bloom profusely from spring to fall, adding a touch of color and cheer to your outdoor spaces.
- Extended blooming: Dianthus Everlast flowers bloom abundantly from spring to fall, providing a colorful display for months.
- Variety of colors: The Everlast series offers a wide range of bright and vibrant colors, ranging from pure white to shades of pink, red, purple, and even bicolor.
- Delicate fragrances: The flowers of Dianthus Everlast exude a sweet and pleasant fragrance that attracts butterflies and bees.
- Easy care: These robust flowers are easy to grow and require little maintenance. They are drought resistant and tolerate a wide range of soil conditions.
- Multiple uses: Dianthus Everlast are perfect for beds, borders, rock gardens, containers, and floral arrangements.
Growing Information:
- Exposure: Partial sun to full sun
- Soil: Well-drained, slightly acidic to neutral
- Watering: Water regularly, especially during periods of drought
- Fertilization: Apply a balanced fertilizer in spring and fall
- Pruning: Prune lightly after flowering to encourage reblooming
- For more abundant blooms, deadhead regularly.
- Dianthus Everlast are ideal for creating fresh and long-lasting cut flowers.
- These flowers attract butterflies and bees, making them a perfect choice for pollinator gardens.
Plant details
Flowering colours:
- Pink
- Red
- White
- Purple
- Two-tone
Plant needs
Plant needs
- Water thoroughly during the year of planting
- then during periods of drought thereafter.
- Easy. Remove faded flowers to prolong flowering.
Soil requirement:
- Well drained and moderately dry
- Drought
- Diseases
- Pollinators
- Butterflies
- Borders
- Flowerbeds
- Long flowering

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