Viva Lawn® Repair Mix
Viva Lawn® Repair Mix
Fafard SKU:79422550
- Provides lawn density 2X Thicker *Compared to a conventional soil
- Helps retain moisture for germination in 5 days *Compared to a conventional soil
- Helps prevent weed invasion
- Restore your lawn's vitality and the energy
The Viva Lawn® Repair Mix is specially designed to repair lawn areas damaged by dog urine, white grubs or other harmful insects. This sphagnum peat moss based soil mix is enriched with compost and wetting agent for exceptional results. There is no need to add rooting fertilizer as it is enriched with fertilizer that provides essential nutrients for rooting grass seed.
The lawn can suffer damage from summer drought, extreme winter temperatures or repeated trampling. These conditions can cause your lawn to yellow, thin, weaken, or even die completely. Damaged areas become welcoming spaces for harmful insects and weeds looking for a place to settle. It is therefore essential to carry out repairs in order to restore your lawn's vitality and the energy necessary to cope with bad weather and the vagaries of nature.
Spring and fall are two good seasons to repair your lawn because the temperatures are mild, neither too hot nor too cold, and the soil is generally more humid, which favours seed germination.
Coverage area
Coverage area
One 42 litre bag covers approximately:
4 m² (40 ft²) of bare patches at a thickness of 1.25 cm (1/2 in) or
14 m² (150 ft²) of lawn to top-dress at a thickness of 3 mm (1/8 in)
Sphagnum peat moss, black earth (humus), composted manure, lime, wetting agent, fertilizer
Total Nitrogen (N) - 0.5%
Soluble Potash (K2O) - 0.19%
Minimum Organic Matter - 30%
Maximum Moisture - 55%

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