Weigela florida Sonic Bloom® Wine
Weigela Sonic Bloom® Wine
Weigela Sonic Bloom® Wine
- Sun
Bloom time
- June
- July
- August
- September
- Resistant to White-tailed Deer
- Decorative foliage
- Long bloom
- Attracts hummingbirds
- Abundant bloom
Immerse yourself in the intoxicating world of Weigela Sonic Bloom Wine™, combining sumptuous burgundy foliage with exceptional reblooming, captivating pollinators.
Perfect for borders, foundations and containers, this shrub offers bright pink blooms from spring until the first frost.
Grow it for its remarkable reblooming, attractive foliage, and ease of care, adding a burst of color and interest all season long.
With flowers loved by hummingbirds, this is a perennial selection for a vibrant sunny border.
Plant details
- Bushy
Flowering colours:
- Pink
Plant needs
Plant needs
- Tolerates dry, well-drained soil. Water regularly during planting year and during drought.
- Easy
Soil requirement:
- Fertile soil
- Fresh
- Well drained
- White-tailed deer
- Hummingbirds
- Butterflies
- Pollinators
- Border
- Hedge
- Isolated
- Flowerbed
- Open ground
- Butterfly garden
- Bird garden
- Attracts hummingbirds

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