Senecio rowleyanus
String of Pearls
String of Pearls
- Very bright
- a few hours of sunlight
Bloom time
- November
- December
- January
- Unique
- Easy care
- Hanging plant
- Tolerates drought
- Toxic
Discover Senecio rowleyanus, also known as the "String of Pearls," a trailing succulent native to South Africa that will bring a touch of lush greenery and bohemian charm to your indoor décor.
Characteristics and Growing Information
- Foliage: Senecio rowleyanus is distinguished by its long, thin, and branching stems adorned with fleshy, spherical leaves of a soft green, resembling a string of pearls.
- Flowering: This succulent blooms in spring or summer, producing small daisy-like white flowers, adding a delicate touch to its decorative foliage.
- Light: Senecio rowleyanus thrives in bright, but indirect light. Place it near an east- or west-facing window to provide it with optimal sunlight without risking burning its leaves.
- Watering: Water Senecio rowleyanus moderately, allowing the soil to dry completely between waterings. Avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot.
- Humidity: This succulent adapts well to average room humidity.
- Temperature: Senecio rowleyanus prefers warm temperatures, ideally between 64°F and 75°F (18°C and 24°C). Protect it from cold temperatures and drafts.
- Repotting: Repot your Senecio rowleyanus every two years or when the pot becomes too small. Choose a slightly larger pot with well-draining soil specially formulated for succulents and cacti.
- Propagation: Propagating Senecio rowleyanus is easy to achieve by stem cuttings. Take 2-4 inch cuttings, let them dry for a few days, and then plant them in moist soil.
- Hanging: Senecio rowleyanus is ideal for hanging baskets or pots placed high up, allowing its trailing stems to spread gracefully.
- Miniature Gardens: This miniature succulent is perfect for creating miniature gardens and terrariums, bringing a touch of greenery and unique texture to your compositions.
- Indoor Décor: Senecio rowleyanus will add a touch of bohemian charm and natural greenery to your indoor décor, whether in your living room, bedroom, or workspace.
Additional Tips
- For optimal growth, fertilize your Senecio rowleyanus once a month during the growing season (spring and summer) with a diluted fertilizer for succulents.
- Feel free to lightly prune overly long stems to maintain a harmonious shape and encourage branching.
- Senecio rowleyanus is slightly toxic to pets and children. Place it out of their reach.
Plant details
- Drooping
Flowering colours:
- White-pink
Plant needs
Plant needs
- The soil must dry out between waterings
- Easy
Soil requirement:
- Well drained
- Drought
- Hanging basket
- Patio Pot
- Pearl foliage

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