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Create a garden with succulents

Succulent plants are trendy these days, and it might have something to do with the endless variety of colours, textures and shapes they feature. Also, they are an easy-care choice and therefor well-suited to the casual gardener! Incorporate them into your garden or flowerbed or let them dazzle in containers both inside and out. Use them to create a stunning vertical garden or a green wall. They are eye-catching any and everywhere.

Suitable soil

Unique among plants, succulents are able to conserve moisture in special water storage tissues. You must always plant them in conditions with excellent drainage, and garden soil mixed with sand is ideal. You can cover the soil with decorative gravel or pebbles, playing with colour contrasts and complements. For a sure winner, white stones spread over the earth provide the perfect backdrop for your garden arrangement of various attractive succulents.

Choosing the Right Succulents

In Quebec, it's crucial to select succulents that can withstand our harsh winters. Here's a guide to making the right choices:

The Must-Haves: Hens and Chicks (Sempervivum)

  • Hardiness champions: Perfectly adapted to hardiness zones 3 and up, Hens and Chicks are the top choice.
  • Incredible variety: They offer a vast range of colours (green, red, purple, bronze...), shapes, and sizes.
  • Minimal maintenance: They require virtually no winter protection, except in very exposed locations (strong winds, no snow cover). A light, dry mulch can be helpful.

Hardy options: Stonecrops (Sedum and Hylotelephium)

  • Careful selection: Few Stonecrops will survive our Quebec winters. Choose low-growing, mat-forming varieties with small leaves, and that have a proven track record of cold hardiness. Species like Sedum acre, Sedum album, and some Sedum spurium varieties are worth considering. Hylotelephium 'Autumn Joy' is an excellent, larger, and very hardy choice. Always check with your local garden center for the best varieties for your specific area.
  • Winter care: Generally minimal, similar to Hens and Chicks. A light, dry mulch can be helpful in very exposed areas.

Yes, hardy cacti are possible

  • Opuntia and Escobaria are interesting options, but require rigorous winter protection.
  • Care: This means absolutely perfect drainage (very rocky soil, a slope), shelter from rain and snow (a cloche, clear plastic sheet), and a thick, dry mulch (gravel, stones).

Succulents to bring indoors for winter

Most other succulents (Agaves, Yuccas, Aloes, most Crassulas, Aeoniums, most cacti, etc.) are not hardy in Quebec. They must be brought indoors before frost:

  • Ideal location: A cool (5-15°C / 41-59°F) and bright place (unheated sunroom, bright garage, near a window).
  • Reduced watering: Let the soil dry out completely between light waterings. Overwatering is fatal.
  • Return outside: In spring, after the last frost, gradually reacclimate your plants to the sun.

    Follow these steps for a succulent garden

    Growing succulents is a lot simpler than you might think. Outside in the garden, plant your succulents in a spot where there are plenty of stones and where the soil is light and well-drained. The ideal location will be dry and bathed in sunlight.

    • Clear the designated spot and meticulously remove all weeds.
    • Dig to a depth of approximately 30 to 50 cm.
    • Spread a layer of pebbles; they will ensure good soil drainage, which is essential.
    • Add sufficient earth, a mix of garden soil and sand in equal parts.
    • Lay out your garden and place your plants where you want them. Fill the empty spaces between plants very carefully.
    • Cover the earth between plants with decorative gravel if you choose. Accessories are welcome too! Rocks and pieces of colourful ceramic can all be integrated into the garden.

    If you plant your succulents indoors, in a pot or terrarium for example, put a layer of gravel over the bottom of your container before adding soil and planting.


    Although succulents are distinctly low-maintenance, here are some basic tips on how best to care for them.


    • Keep it to a minimum.
    • Let the soil dry between watering.


    • Apply specially formulated fertilizer for cacti and succulents that is rich in phosphorous and potassium and low in nitrogen and limestone every 3 to 6 weeks between late April and mid-August.


    • Remove wilted flowers and leaves.
    • If you want to propagate carassula from leaf cuttings, use the segmented part of the leaf that you will detach and plant in the earth.
    • For cacti, put a stem segment in earth. Roots will develop and you'll be able to plant the new cactus.

    Weeds and disease:

    • Outside, weed regularly or you'll have to start from scratch after a year or two.
    • Always remove wilted flowers and leaves; because they're filled with moisture, they could cause the rest of the plant to rot.
    • Regularly inspect your plants to ensure harmful insects have not taken up residence, particularly mealybugs, scales and spider mites. Use a commercial insecticide to help you get rid of them.


    • Succulent plants kept outdoors during the winter should be covered.

    Let your creativity and imagination lead the way when you choose and design your garden space. Shapes, colours and textures can be mixed in a multitude of variations to spectacular effect. Stand back and admire!