Nepeta hybrida 'Cat's Pajamas'
Cat's Pajamas' Catmint
Cat's Pajamas' Catmint
- Sun
- Partial shade
Bloom time
- June
- July
- August
- September
- Attracts pollinators
- Abundant flowers
- Attracts pollinators
- Easy care
- Dwarf
Nepeta hybrida 'Cat's Pajamas', also known as catmint 'Cat's Pajamas', is a dwarf and compact variety of catmint that will charm you with its abundant flowering and aromatic foliage. This hardy perennial is a true gem for sunny or partially shaded gardens, offering a touch of color and fragrance throughout the summer.
Exceptional Bloom:
- From early summer to early fall, 'Cat's Pajamas' adorns itself with a multitude of intense indigo blue flowers, densely clustered on upright stems.
- This generous bloom attracts butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds, creating a vibrant aerial ballet in your garden.
- The flowers retain their beauty even after flowering, thanks to the persistent rose-purple calyxes, adding an extra touch of color to the landscape.
Decorative Foliage:
- Beyond its spectacular bloom, 'Cat's Pajamas' is distinguished by its aromatic gray-green foliage, slightly variegated with cream.
- The oval leaves, velvety to the touch, offer a striking contrast to the indigo blue flowers, creating a harmonious visual ensemble.
- The lemony scent of the foliage is released when the leaves are crushed, adding a pleasant olfactory dimension to your garden.
Adaptability and Hardiness:
- This dwarf catmint easily adapts to a variety of soil conditions and exposures, making it ideal for gardeners of all levels.
- It prefers well-drained soil and a sunny or partially shaded location.
- Its remarkable hardiness allows it to survive cold winters, returning each year to amaze you again.
Ease of Care:
- 'Cat's Pajamas' is a relatively easy-care perennial that requires little care to thrive.
- A light pruning after flowering is enough to maintain its compact shape and stimulate flowering the following year.
- Moderate watering is recommended during dry periods, but it tolerates drought well once established.
Size and Use:
- With its compact size (about 12 to 16 inches tall and 18 to 24 inches wide), 'Cat's Pajamas' finds its place in a variety of landscaping compositions.
- It is perfect for borders, rock gardens, flower beds, or even containers.
- Its abundant bloom and lemony scent also make it an ideal choice for butterfly gardens and patios.
Plant details
- Bushy
Flowering colours:
- Violet-blue
Plant needs
Plant needs
- Moderate Watering
- Easy. Prune after flowering
- cut back in fall or spring.
Soil requirement:
- Well drained
- loose or sandy soil
- White-tailed deer
- Rabbit
- Drought
- Butterflies
- Birds
- Pollinators
- Cats
- Borders
- Flowerbeds
- Clumps
- Pots
- Abundant flowering all summer
- aromatic foliage

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