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Lettuce 'Red Oak Leaf Cantarix' - Seeds

Lettuce 'Red Oak Leaf Cantarix' - Seeds

W.H. Perron SKU:69-5646-502


  • Organic seeds
  • Sowing date: April and July
  • Sowing depth: 6 mm
  • Days to maturity after seeding: Bébé-25 jours-Complète-55 jours/Baby-25 days-Full-55 days
  • Fruit colour: Red

A perfect choice for growing in adverse conditions due to its excellent field performance, late setting, and tolerance to mildew. Growing method: - The ideal temperature for germination is between 10 and 15°C. - Sow in the garden in rich, well-drained soil. - Needs full sun and constant humidity. - Harvest when firm and, preferably, early in the morning. - For a continuous harvest, repeat sowing every 2 to 3 weeks.


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