Juniperus horizontalis 'Icee Blue'
Icee Blue' Creeping Juniper
Icee Blue' Creeping Juniper
- Sun
- Evergreen
- Blue decorative foliage
- Winter interest
- Ground cover
- Dense foliage
Plant details
- Groundcover
Flowering colours:
Plant needs
Plant needs
- Once established
- prefers dry soils. Water moderately to keep the soil slightly moist when young
- but avoid overwatering.
- Prune only if necessary
- in new growth.
Soil requirement:
- Well drained soil. It can thrive in dry soils once established.
- Drought
- Cover for small animals
- Small gardens
- Tight spaces
- Rocky areas
- Rockeries
- Flower beds
- Evergreen foliage. Blue foliage

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