Helleborus WEDDING PARTY® Wedding Bells
WEDDING PARTY® Wedding Bells Lenten Rose
WEDDING PARTY® Wedding Bells Lenten Rose
- Partial shade
- Shade
Bloom time
- April
- May
- White tailed-deer resistant
- Double flowers
- Spring flowers
- White-tailed deer resistant
- Evergreen
The WEDDING PARTY® Wedding Bells hellebore (Helleborus x hybridus WEDDING PARTY® Wedding Bells) is a remarkable flowering perennial that will bring a touch of early spring freshness and elegance to your garden from late winter. This hybrid variety is distinguished by its large, bell-shaped flowers in an immaculate white, sometimes slightly veined with pink, which illuminate the dormant landscape.
Exceptional Features:
- Early Spring Bloom: The WEDDING PARTY® Wedding Bells hellebore blooms from late winter to early spring, among the first flowers to brave the cold, announcing the arrival of warmer days.
- Elegant Bell-Shaped Flowers: The large, bell-shaped flowers, in immaculate white sometimes slightly veined with pink, measure 2 to 2.5 inches in diameter (5 to 6 cm) and offer a delicate and refined spectacle.
- Evergreen Foliage: This perennial retains its deep green, glossy foliage throughout the year, adding a touch of greenery even during the coldest months.
- Increased Hardiness: The WEDDING PARTY® Wedding Bells hellebore is hardy to zone 4, which means it can withstand winter temperatures down to -34°C.
- Long Lifespan: This perennial can live for several years, offering long-lasting beauty to your spring garden.
Growing Information for Optimal Bloom:
- Soil: The WEDDING PARTY® Wedding Bells hellebore prefers rich, well-drained, and slightly acidic soil. It also tolerates neutral soils.
- Light: This perennial thrives in shade or partial shade. Avoid direct sunlight, which can scorch the foliage.
- Watering: Regular watering is important, especially during dry periods. Allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings.
- Fertilization: Apply a balanced organic fertilizer in spring or fall to promote abundant blooms.
- Division: Dividing the plant every 3 to 5 years helps keep it healthy and encourages continued blooming.
Ideal for naturalizing in wooded and moist areas, this plant develops an expansive root system. Its sturdy stems support the inflorescences well. Its foliage is dark green and evergreen. A remarkable choice to brighten up shady areas.
Plant details
- Tufted
- Bushy
Flowering colours:
- Bright white
Plant needs
Plant needs
- Moderate. Although they like humidity
- hellebores should not be left in damp soil for long or they will rot. Allow to dry between waterings.
- Easy. Can be cut back in the fall
- prune as needed after flowering
Soil requirement:
- Well-drained soil
- Moist
- White-tailed deer
- Shade
- Bees
- Clumps
- Undergrowth
- Shaded areas
- Shade gardens
- Spring flowering
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