100% Natural lawn fertilizer - Fertilization for Spring-Summer and Autumn
100% Natural lawn fertilizer - Fertilization for Spring-Summer and Autumn
Acti-Sol SKU:73215
- Rich in nitrogen to stimulate growth promoting greener, denser turf
- Recognized as compliant for organic farming by Ecocert Canada and Quebec Vrai
- No soil or compost is added to the product and contains more than 50% organic matter to improve soil quality
- High level of organic matter to enrich your soil
- Easy to use and spread
Coverage area
Coverage area
15kg couve jusqu'à 335 mètres carrés
Fertilize your lawn - a program for a green and...
Learn moreLawn grasses are nourished by the sun and draw from the soil, water and minerals they need. Fertilization fills gaps in the soil and provides the nutrients it needs to...
Seeding and reseeding grass
Learn moreUne bonne préparation, des semences de qualité, vous pouvez ensemencer votre gazon. Au fil des ans, il est normal que certaines zones de la pelouse doivent être réensemencer.
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Seeding and reseeding grass
Learn moreUne bonne préparation, des semences de qualité, vous pouvez ensemencer votre gazon. Au fil des ans, il est normal que certaines zones de la pelouse doivent être réensemencer.
Fertilize your lawn - a program for a green and...
Learn moreLawn grasses are nourished by the sun and draw from the soil, water and minerals they need. Fertilization fills gaps in the soil and provides the nutrients it needs to...
Lawn Maintenance - Throughout the season
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Spring Lawn Maintenance
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