Sempervivum Chick Charms® 'Gold Nugget'
GOLD NUGGET® Hen-and-Chicks
GOLD NUGGET® Hen-and-Chicks
- Sun
Bloom time
- Spring
- Compact growth
- Suitable for harsh condition
- Drought resistant
- Dense foliage
- Thick foliage
Sempervivum Chick Charms® 'Gold Nugget', also known as the 'Gold Nugget' houseleek, is a succulent perennial plant distinguished by its fleshy light green leaves with golden yellow edges.
Foliage and Flowering:
- Fleshy light green leaves with golden yellow edges
- Dense and compact rosette arrangement
- Small pink flowers in summer (not very spectacular)
- Evergreen foliage that retains its color throughout the winter
An Asset for Your Garden:
- Perfect for rockeries, walls and green roofs
- Brings a touch of color and light
- Creates a striking contrast with other plants
- Remarkable in pots or containers
- Tolerates drought and poor soils
- Requires little maintenance
Care Tips:
- Plant Sempervivum Chick Charms® 'Gold Nugget' in well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade.
- Water moderately, allowing the soil to dry between waterings.
- Fertilization is not necessary.
- Protect from heavy rains if the plant is potted.
Plant details
- Spreading
Flowering colours:
- Pink
Plant needs
Plant needs
- Low watering
- Easy. No pruning necessary
- but you can remove wilted leaves as needed.
Soil requirement:
- Well-drained soil
- Dry
- Diseases
- Drought
- Pollinators
- Rockeries
- Borders
- Containers
- Heat tolerant

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