Opuntia imbricata
Tree Cholla
Tree Cholla
- Sun
Bloom time
- July
- August
- Perennial cactus
- Deer resistant
- Drought resistant
- Beautiful ground cover
- Large 2.5 inches flowers
Opuntia imbricata, also known as cholla cactus or tree cholla, is a tree-like cactus native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Its unique silhouette and resilience make it an ideal choice for gardens seeking an exotic touch and drought tolerance.
Spectacular Flowering: In spring, Opuntia imbricata is adorned with magnificent pink to purple flowers that contrast with its green stems. These cup-shaped flowers attract pollinators and add a vibrant touch of color to your garden.
Evergreen and Textured Foliage: Its cylindrical stems, covered with tubercles and spines, create a striking sculptural effect. Their blue-green color brings a touch of freshness throughout the year, even in winter.
Garden Uses:
- Rock Garden: Opuntia imbricata is perfect for rock gardens, where it will add texture and vertical interest.
- Desert Garden: Combine it with other xerophytic plants to create an arid and colorful landscape.
- Architectural Accent: Plant it in isolation to highlight its unique silhouette.
- Container Gardening: Grow it in a pot to decorate your patio or balcony.
Growing Tips:
- Exposure: Full sun.
- Soil: Well-drained, poor, even rocky or sandy.
- Watering: Moderate in summer, very limited in winter.
- Hardiness: Zone 5b (-26°C). Protect young plants from extreme cold.
- Maintenance: No special maintenance required, except to remove dead stems.
Caution: Handle Opuntia imbricata with care due to its sharp spines. Wear thick gloves when planting and maintaining.
Plant details
- Bushy
Flowering colours:
- Pink
- Violet
Plant needs
Plant needs
- Low. Water only when the soil is completely dry.
- Winter protection
Soil requirement:
- Well-drained soil
- Sandy
- White-tailed deer
- Drought
- Bees
- Hummingbirds
- Desert garden
- succulent gardens
- rockery
- Mediterranean garden
- Winter hardy

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