Dahlia hybrid LABELLA® Maggiore Purple
LABELLA® Maggiore Purple Dahlia
LABELLA® Maggiore Purple Dahlia
- Sun
- Partial shade
Bloom time
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- Perfect plant to add texture and height in the garden
- Abundant flowering
- Perfect for plant arrangements
- Rapid growth
- Low maintenance
Add a touch of elegance and color to your garden with Dahlia LABELLA® Maggiore Purple. This variety of dahlia offers spectacular flowers in deep purple tones that will brighten your garden throughout the summer and fall. Easy to grow and maintain, this dahlia is a perfect choice for gardeners of all experience levels looking for long-lasting and reliable floral beauty.
With 4-inch diameter flowers in deep purple tones, this dahlia blooms on strong, sturdy stems. The flowers also fade more slowly and retain their colours longer.
Cultivation Tips:
- Plant the Dahlia LABELLA® Maggiore Purple in well-drained, fertile soil, in a sunny location where it will receive at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day.
- Water regularly to keep the soil evenly moist, avoiding waterlogging.
- Remove faded flowers to promote new blooming throughout the summer and fall seasons.
- Fertilize lightly in spring to encourage healthy growth and abundant flowering.
Plant details
- Straight
Flowering colours:
- Pruple
Plant needs
Plant needs
- Tolerates moist soils
- Easy
- Store bulbs indoors in winter
- remove spent flowers
Soil requirement:
- Rich
- Fresh
- Well-drained soil
- White-tailed deer
- Butterflies
- Pollinators
- Border
- Isolated
- Flowerbed
- Featured Pot
- Clump
- Cut Flowers
- Cut flowers

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