Kniphofia PYROMANIA® Orange Blaze
Pyromania® 'Orange Blaze' Red Hot Poker
Pyromania® 'Orange Blaze' Red Hot Poker
- Sun
- Partial sun
- Partial shade
Bloom time
- July
- August
- September
- Beautiful bright orange flowers
- Unique
- Compact
- Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies
- Tropical look
Kniphofia PYROMANIA® Orange Blaze is a flamboyant perennial that catches everyone's eye. Its bright orange flower spikes, contrasting with its dark green foliage, create a striking spectacle from mid-summer to fall.
- Form: Upright and compact.
- Flowers: Bright orange, rocket-shaped flower spikes. Abundant flowering from July to October.
- Foliage: Dark green, narrow, and evergreen.
- Mature Size: 60 to 80 cm in height and 40 to 50 cm in width.
- Hardiness: Zone 5 (withstands temperatures down to -29°C). Winter protection recommended.
- Sunlight: Full sun.
- Soil: Well-drained, even poor or dry.
Where to plant and use
It is ideal for:
- Beds and borders: In groups or mixed with other hardy perennials such as ornamental grasses (Miscanthus, Calamagrostis), coneflowers, black-eyed Susans, or daylilies.
- Contemporary gardens: For an exotic and modern touch, combine it with architectural plants such as yuccas (hardy varieties).
- Borders: Structure and colour throughout the summer and fall, along with plants with contrasting foliage such as coral bells or sedums.
- Containers: Bring a touch of fire to your patio or balcony by pairing it with geraniums, petunias, or calibrachoas.
Growing tips
- Planting: In spring, after the last frost, space plants 40 to 50 cm apart.
- Watering: Regular during dry periods, especially the first year after planting.
- Maintenance: Cut faded flowers to prolong flowering. Protect from cold in winter with a thick mulch.
- Propagation: By division of clumps in spring.
Plant details
- Compact
Flowering colours:
- Orange
Plant needs
Plant needs
- Allow to dry between waterings
- Requires winter protection
Soil requirement:
- Well-drained soil
- Average
- Rich
- White-tailed deer
- Salt
- Drought
- Butterflies
- Hummingbirds
- Focal point
- Clumps
- Border
- Flowerbeds
- Cut flowers
- Tropical look
- Magnificent flowers

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