Hosta 'Osiris Bleu Nuit'
Osiris Bleu Nuit' Plantain Lily
Osiris Bleu Nuit' Plantain Lily
- Partial shade
- Shade
Bloom time
- July
- Bluish-green decorative foliage
- Easy care
- Attracts hummingbirds
- Fast growth
- Fragrant flowers
Hosta 'Osiris Bleu Nuit' is distinguished by its imposing and textured foliage, a deep blue-green that evokes the mysteries of the night and its elegant lavender flowers. This perennial with magnificent foliage will bring a touch of elegance and freshness to your shaded spaces.
Exceptional features:
- Spectacular foliage: Its large, embossed leaves, of an intense blue-green, create a striking contrast with the other plants in your garden.
- Delicate flowering: In summer, graceful lavender flowers bloom on tall stems, adding a touch of lightness and colour.
- Vigorous growth: This hosta develops rapidly and forms a dense and voluminous clump, ideal for dressing up shaded corners.
- Resistance and adaptability: It is very resistant to cold and tolerates shade well, making it an easy-going and undemanding plant.
- Minimal maintenance: Once established, it requires little maintenance, content with regular watering and compost in the spring.
- Ideal size: Reaching a height of 41 inches and a width of 71 inches, it is perfect for borders, shaded beds, and undergrowth.
Care tips:
- Exposure: Shade to partial shade.
- Soil: Rich, cool, and well-drained.
- Watering: Regular, especially during dry periods.
- Pruning: Remove faded flowers to promote foliage growth.
- Mulching: Apply organic mulch to retain soil moisture and protect roots from the cold.
Ideal for:
- Shaded gardens: Bring a touch of light and color to the shaded areas of your garden.
- Borders and beds: Create contrasts of textures and colors by associating it with other perennials.
- Japanese gardens: Its textured foliage and delicate flowering fit perfectly into a Japanese garden.
- Undergrowth and edges: It naturalizes easily in shady and humid areas.
Plant details
- Spreading
Flowering colours:
- Lavender
Plant needs
Plant needs
- Average
- Consistent
- Prune faded flowers after flowering.
Soil requirement:
- Moist
- well-drained
- highly organic soils with a pH between 5.5 and 7.5
- Shade
- Hummingbirds
- Shade garden
- Flowerbeds
- Japanese garden
- Border
- Toxic to dogs and cats

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