Hosta 'Fire Island'
Fire Island' Plantain Lily
Fire Island' Plantain Lily
- Partial shade
- Shade
Bloom time
- July
- Golden chartreuse foliage
- Dense foliage
- Attracts hummingbirds
- White tailed-deer resistant
- Fragrant flowers
Hosta 'Fire Island' is a spectacular and easy-to-grow perennial plant. Its flamboyant foliage, summer bloom, ease of care, and longevity make it a must-have decorative element for shaded gardens.
5 Key Features of Hosta 'Fire Island':
Decorative Foliage: This Hosta variety is distinguished by its variegated foliage in bright yellow, chartreuse, and deep green, which evolves throughout the seasons to offer a captivating visual spectacle.
Vigorous Growth: Hosta 'Fire Island' is a vigorous plant that spreads rapidly, creating a dense and lush carpet in shaded gardens.
Summer Bloom: In July, charming lavender trumpet-shaped flowers complement the plant's flamboyant foliage, adding a touch of delicacy to the composition.
Easy Care: Hosta 'Fire Island' is an easy-to-grow plant that requires little maintenance. It adapts to a variety of soils and exposures and is resistant to diseases and pests.
Longevity: This Hosta variety is a perennial plant that can live for several decades, offering years of beauty to your garden.
Care Tips:
- Water the plant regularly, especially during periods of drought, taking care not to drown the soil.
- Organic mulch around the plant will help conserve soil moisture.
- Fertilize the plant in spring with a perennial plant fertilizer.
- Regularly remove wilted or damaged leaves to promote the plant's health.
Plant details
- Spreading
Flowering colours:
- Lavender
Plant needs
Plant needs
- Average
- Consistent
- Prune faded flowers after flowering
Soil requirement:
- Moist
- well-drained
- highly organic soils with a pH between 5.5 and 7.5
- Shade
- Hummingbirds
- Shade garden
- Flowerbeds
- Japanese garden
- Border
- Toxic to dogs and cats

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