Hemerocallis 'Purple de Oro'
'Purple De Oro' Daylily
'Purple De Oro' Daylily
- Sun
- Part-shade
Bloom time
- June
- July
- August
- September
- Compact
- Abundant flowers
- Easy to maintain
- Fragrant flowers
- Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds
Daylily 'Purple d'Oro', an enchanting variety that adorns your gardens with flowers of a deep and mesmerizing purple.
A floral spectacle of rare beauty:
- Intense purple flowers, with velvety nuances, bloom gracefully on stems rising from 40 to 60 cm tall.
- Each flower, 8 cm in diameter, offers a unique star-shaped form, composed of six delicately ruffled petals.
- A delicate and fruity fragrance accompanies the flowering, attracting butterflies and hummingbirds for a magical ballet in your garden.
Abundant and prolonged flowering:
- Daylily 'Purple d'Oro' offers you a breathtaking floral display from the beginning of summer, lasting until the end of autumn.
- Its reblooming nature allows the flowers to renew themselves constantly, for a garden bathed in bright colors and a joyful atmosphere.
- Each flower only lasts one day, but the abundant flowering ensures a continuous presence of color and fragrance in your outdoor space.
A robust and adaptable plant:
- Daylily 'Purple d'Oro' adapts to a variety of soils, even the poorest, and appreciates well-drained soil.
- It is content with moderate watering and tolerates drought once well established.
- Its hardiness allows it to survive the cold winters of Quebec, returning each year to amaze you again.
An ideal perennial for borders and beds:
- Daylily 'Purple d'Oro' is perfect for creating colorful borders and vibrant beds.
- Its late flowering brings a touch of life to gardens in late summer when many other plants have finished their cycle.
- It blends beautifully with plants with white, yellow or blue flowers, for striking contrasts and refined color harmonies.
Plant details
- Bush
- Dense
- Drooping
Flowering colours:
- Purple with yellow center
Plant needs
Plant needs
- Water regularly. Allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings.
- Easy. Cut back daylilies to remove dead growth early in spring. Faded flowers can be removed throughout the growing season
Soil requirement:
- Rich soil, well drained and aerated
- Sécheresse
- Lapins
- Bees
- Hummingbirds
- Butterflies
- Borders
- Borders
- Butterfly gardens
- Small gardens
- Perfumed

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