Hakonechloa macra 'Aureola'
Aureola' Japanese Hakone Grass
Aureola' Japanese Hakone Grass
- Partial shade
- Shade
Bloom time
- August
- september
- Unique
- White-tailed deer resistant
- Varigated foliage
- White tailed-deer resistant
- Slow growth
Foliage: The real appeal of this grass lies in its exceptional foliage. The narrow, arching leaves, a bright golden yellow with green stripes, form a luminous cascade that enlivens shady areas. In autumn, the foliage turns pink and red, creating a flamboyant autumn spectacle.
Garden Use:
- Japanese Garden: Hakonechloa 'Aureola' is a staple in Japanese gardens, where it brings a touch of serenity and elegance.
- Shade Bed: Plant it in a bed with hostas, ferns and other shade-loving plants to create a contrast of textures and colors.
- Border: Use it at the edge of a flower bed to delimit spaces and add a touch of light.
- Pot: Grow it in a pot on your terrace or balcony to enjoy its beauty even in a small space.
- Exposure: Partial shade to shade. Avoid full sun which could burn the foliage.
- Soil: Rich, fresh and well-drained.
- Watering: Regular, especially in dry periods.
- Maintenance: Cut off dry leaves in spring to encourage the growth of new shoots.
Plant details
- Drooping
- Dense
Flowering colours:
- Golden
Plant needs
Plant needs
- Moderate. Allow to dry between waterings.
- Prune dead leaves late in fall or early spring
Soil requirement:
- Well drained. Humid. Slightly acidic to neutral pH
- White-tailed deer
- Full shade
- Pollinators
- Flowerbeds
- Shade gardens
- Borders
- Flowerbeds
- Focal point
- Decorative foliage. Fall coloring

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