Dianthus caryophyllus ODESSA® Pure
ODESSA® Pure Carnation
ODESSA® Pure Carnation
- Sun
Bloom time
- June
- July
- August
- September
- Abundant flowering
- Abondant flowers
- Attratces butterflies
- Longlasting flowering
- Drought resistant
The Odessa® series of perennial carnations offers an exceptional flowering solution for Quebec gardens. These cultivars are distinguished by their abundant and prolonged flowering, captivating fragrance, and resilience to local climatic conditions.
Dianthus caryophyllus Odessa® Pure : pur white
Botanical Characteristics:
- Inflorescences: Odessa® carnations feature double, densely packed flowers, exuding a characteristic spicy fragrance.
- Foliage: Evergreen, bluish-green, forming a dense and compact mass.
- Habit: Bushy, upright, reaching a height of 30 to 40 cm.
- Disease Resistance: Odessa® carnations show good resistance to common diseases.
Landscape Applications:
- Beds and borders: Adds a touch of vibrant color and a pleasant fragrance.
- Edging and rock gardens: Its hardiness and compact habit make it an excellent candidate for these settings.
- Planters and containers: Allows for the creation of original and fragrant floral arrangements.
- Cut flowers: The double, fragrant flowers are ideal for making bouquets.
Cultural Requirements:
- Exposure: Full sun.
- Soil: Light, fertile, and well-drained.
- Watering: Regular, especially during the summer.
- Maintenance: Removal of faded flowers to stimulate reblooming.
Ecological Benefits: Odessa® carnations are a valued source of nectar for pollinators, particularly butterflies.
Plant details
- Compact
- Spreading
Flowering colours:
- White
Plant needs
Plant needs
- Water thoroughly during the year of planting
- then during periods of drought thereafter.
- Easy. Remove spent flowers to stimulate flowering. Cut back after flowering to promote compact growth.
Soil requirement:
- Fertile
- rich and well drained
- Diseases
- Drought
- Pollinators
- Butterflies
- Borders
- Rockeries
- Flowerbeds
- Ground cover
- Butterfly garden
- Cottage style garden.
- Long flowering. Double flowers

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