Campanula persicifolia 'Grandiflora'
Grandiflora' Peach-leaved bellflower
Grandiflora' Peach-leaved bellflower
- Sun
- Partial shade
Bloom time
- June
- July
- August
- White or blue flowers
- Long flowering period
- Full sun
- Long flowering
- Bell-shaped flowers
Campanula persicifolia 'Grandiflora', also known as peach-leaved bellflower, is an elegant and charming perennial that brings a touch of grace to any garden. This variety is prized for its tall flower stalks adorned with delicate bell-shaped flowers that illuminate the landscape with their beauty.
Abundant and long-lasting flowering:
- Enjoy generous flowering from June to August.
- The flowers, with a diameter of 5 cm, attract butterflies and bees, thus contributing to the biodiversity of your garden.
Easy to grow and maintain:
- This perennial plant is hardy and adapts to a wide variety of soils, well drained and exposed to sun or partial shade.
- It reaches a height of 60 to 90 cm and spreads easily by seed or division of clumps.
Ideal for beds, borders and cut flowers:
- Campanula persicifolia 'Grandiflora' is an excellent choice for adding color and texture to your beds and borders.
- Its elegant flowers also make stunning bouquets that will last several days in a vase.
- Height: 60 to 90 cm
- Width: 30 to 45 cm
- Flowering: June to August
- Flower color: Deep blue
- Exposure: Sun or partial shade
- Soil: Well drained
- Hardiness: Zone 3 to 8
Growing tips:
- Plant Campanula persicifolia 'Grandiflora' in spring or fall.
- Water regularly, especially during dry periods.
- Fertilize once a month in spring and summer.
- Mulch the soil around the plant to conserve moisture and prevent weeds.
- Divide the clumps every 3 to 4 years to maintain the vigor of the plant.
Plant details
- Upright
Flowering colours:
- White
- Blue
Plant needs
Plant needs
- Moderate
- Easy
- prune faded flowers
Soil requirement:
- Well drained
- Drought
- Pollinators
- Butterflies
- Flowerbeds
- Borders
- Butterfly gardens
- Pots
- Wall border
- Fast growth

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