Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Overdam'
Overdam' Feather Reed Grass
Overdam' Feather Reed Grass
- Sun
Bloom time
- July
- August
- September
- Variegated foliage
- Purple inflorescence
- Edible flower
- Shade tolerant
- Tall
Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Overdam', commonly known as Calamagrostide 'Overdam', is an elegant and versatile ornamental grass, ideal for adding texture and movement to any garden.
Variegated Foliage: The most distinctive feature of 'Overdam' is its fine, variegated foliage, with cream-white stripes that add brightness and visual interest to any space.
Compact Habit: This variety forms compact, erect clumps, making it an excellent choice for bordering flower beds, borders, or even patio pots.
Delicate Blooms: Although the main attraction of 'Overdam' lies in its foliage, it also produces delicate, feathery inflorescences in summer, adding a touch of lightness to the garden.
Adaptability: This grass is highly adaptable and tolerates a variety of soil and exposure conditions, although it prefers humus-rich and slightly moist soils.
Low Maintenance: 'Overdam' is an undemanding plant that requires little maintenance once established. Light pruning in early spring will encourage vigorous new growth and keep it in shape.
Whether to add texture to a cottage-style garden, create contrasts in a contemporary bed, or animate a shaded corner, Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Overdam' is a versatile choice that brings an elegant touch to any landscape.
Plant details
- Bushy
- Upright
Flowering colours:
- Purple
Plant needs
Plant needs
- Moderate
- water in times of drought
- Easy
Soil requirement:
- Well drained
- likes to have mulch to maintain freshness
- White-tailed deer
- Birds
- Clumps
- Rockeries
- Pots
- Delicate foliage
- Feather duster shape

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