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Strawberry harvest and preservation

You've planted your strawberries and cared for them for a year, and now it's time to enjoy these red beauties! Harvest your strawberries only when they are completely ripe and easy to pick. Strawberries are somewhat fragile and easily bruised, so handle them with care. The pedunkle, or stalk, serves as natural protection, so hull your strawberries just before you plan to eat or prepare them.

All fruit is packed with goodness, and strawberries lead the pack! Loaded with Vitamin C, just eight strawberries equal one orange (gout sufferers, take note). They have powerful antioxidant content and they're an excellent source of manganese, dietary fibre, and Vitamins A and B9. As a laxative and diuretic, strawberries are prescribed for rheumatism and arthritis.

There are several ways to enjoy strawberries:

  • Fresh
  • Prepared (coulis, sorbets and smoothies)
  • Cooked (jams, jellies, pies)
  • Processed (juice, liqueurs, wine)

Preserving strawberries

Strawberries are truly at their best when eaten or prepared fresh. You can try to extend the celebration of your harvest, but preserving strawberries will always alter their texture, and taste.

  • Refrigerated: Not more than 1 to 3 days.
  • Frozen: Not recommended.
  • Dried: Rinse berries with lemon juice and put in a strainer. Spread out evenly on the dehydrator sheet. Set to 48ºC and dry for a minimum of 6 hours.